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Father’s day

He who guides us through the right paths of life – our fathers are our icon, a huge support and our pillar of strength. This special man toils hard just to secure our future and to ensure that we derive all pleasures of life. Father’s Day is celebrated to recognize the hardships and the struggles a father undertakes for his child’s growth and upbringing. It is an occasion to realize and recognize those endless pains, honor him and pay our gratitude to this very special human being.

This idea of observing a day to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father’s Day observance to honor all fathers. Sonora Smart Dodd who was raised by his father, after her mother passed away, wanted him to know how special he was to her. As her father, William Jackson Smart, was born on the month of June, she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.

In the year 1926, a National Father’s Day Committee was formed in New York City. Later, Father’s Day was recognized by a Joint Resolution of Congress in 1956. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson made a proclamation that the third Sunday of June is to be celebrated as Father’s Day. In 1972, President Richard Nixon finalized the proclamation. Thus Father’s Day observance was made official. Till date, Father’s Day is observed on the third Sunday in June. 52 of the world’s countries celebrate this occasion to commemorate fatherhood.

On Father’s day, children express and convey their deepest feelings of heart to their fathers. Father’s Day may not be one of those hallmark holidays, but certainly is a day when we take some time out to show appreciation to the most influential person in our lives, our dad. Children take this opportunity to do something special for the special man. Although this idea of ‘making the day special’ differ from person to person, country to country, yet the essence of the occasion remains the same. Organizing some special events, indulging in fun filled activities or sports or preparing the favorite dish for him are some of the most unique ideas that will make your daddy feel loved and appreciated.

Celebration of a special occasion demands something exclusive and there are ample ideas to make the celebration memorable. Gifts play a vital role in this regard. Gifts, when enfolded with heartfelt emotions, rightly renders the feeling of the soul. Likewise, on Father’s Day, gifts are the best way to express your love and respect to that special man. Traditional gifts like Flowers, Chocolates or Greeting Cards are one of the most favored gift idea on Father’s day. Along with this, present some thoughtful gifts that will surprise and elate him. Electronic Appliances and Men’s Accessories are also fine ideas.

Today, the distance of miles and places often separate us from the person we love. On such a juncture, online gifting websites does good to our cause. On the occasion of Father’s Day, select from the extensive collection of gifts and send to your father.

A bond that the abyss of time could not metamorphose is the bond shared between the father and the child. Take the pleasure of recognizing the selfless contribution of a courageous and loving man and celebrate Father’s Day with all zest. Make the moment priceless for the man; a moment which your father will eternally cherish.

“It’s only when you grow up and step back from him — or leave him for your own home — it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.”
Margaret Truman

Mother’s day

Your mother would be the biggest strength that you have in your life. From the childhood, your mother has nurtured you and has contributed towards your development. Being a mother would establish a strong relationship with the offspring and only few individuals can understand how strong that bond is. Even though the children tend to leave the affection of their mothers after growing up, the bond still exists. Therefore, it is mysterious and quite difficult to understand. This bond would never break. That’s why it is believed that there’s nothing more powerful and pure when compared to the love of a Mother.

So many women sacrifice their education, career and everything else to raise their children properly. Those of us, who have forgotten about the sacrifices our mother had done to bring us up, should ask their mother to tell something about their childhood. She will open her memory box and tell you so many things about this and that you will wonder how she could ever manage to raise you and your siblings up. You may not remember most of your childhood, but your mother remembers because you are her child. For a mother, her children are dearest to her. They are an extension of her personality.

The tradition of mother’s day is not something new to the world we live in. Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to organize festivals in the honor of Rhea and Cybele, mother Goddesses. It has come a long way since then and has been evolved along with time.

With your busy schedules, you will forget to appreciate all the hard work done by your mother towards making your life a better one. That’s the main reason behind the existence of mother’s day celebrations. On this special day, you can take time in order to appreciate the support given by your mother and be thankful to her.

Mother’s Day is being celebrated on every second Sunday of May. This is a special occasion, where people tend to honor their mothers with showing back gratitude and giving gifts. This is one of the best chances that you would get in your life to express how much love you have towards your mother.  Always keep in mind that Mother’s day comes only one time per year. Therefore, it is your responsibility to celebrate it and make your mother feel special.

For most moms, finding the appropriate Mothers Day gift is no problem at all. There are always normal mom things to get. A Mothers Day present could be a nice piece of jewelry, a beautiful sweater, a Mothers Day bear or mug, T-shirt with hearts on them, boxes of chocolates or a gift certificates to the local mall. A lot of people also like to get books as Mothers Day presents, and some moms even like tools and gadgets that are more traditionally reserved for fathers.

Some moms, however loath all those stuffs. Finding the perfect Mothers Day gift for them, needless to say, is something that takes a little bit of planning. One way or another, I am sure that you will find something for her before the big day comes. Many people say that it is not the gift but the thought that counts, but  if you put enough thought into a gift, the gift will be great.

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends—but only one mother in the whole world.
Kate Douglas Wiggins


There are many things that I love about life. I love the fact that we were given eyes to see, ears to hear, and mouths to speak and to taste amazing food. I love it that I can see things in color and that I can experience beauty all around me just by going for a walk outside. I’m glad that we are able to work to provide for ourselves and that we can work doing things we enjoy. One of the things in life that I love the most, however, is a good holiday.

I love a good holiday because they don’t happen everyday. A holiday is a unique day that is set aside to celebrate a wide variety of things. The beauty of a holiday is that we get to slow down and remember that we are not machines and that are lives are valuable and worth being lived fully. We get to spend time on what matters most, not on our work or on the things that keep us busy throughout the week. So make a commitment now to enjoy whatever holiday rolls around next. You won’t be sorry, and you just might make a habit of it.

If you also love holidays, you’ll probably enjoy my holidays section below. Feel free to leave a message to let me know which one is your favorite and how you celebrate it.

This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!

~ D.M. Dellinger ~

The window

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service and where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his life would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a gazebo. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. Lovely trees were slowing floating to the ground from the trees. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the scene.

Days passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take him away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.

It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.

Tip For Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to
keep your body in great health.
With healthy eating, you’ll have energy all day, get the vitamins
and minerals you need, stay strong for activities you enjoy,
and maintain a healthy weight.
Below, you’ll find tips designed to help you with healthy eating.


You can ‘adopt’ a piece of the Earth now

This Earth Day, you’ll be able to show our planet you care by adopting a piece of it.

In honor of the upcoming holiday, NASA broke up our planet into 64,000 virtual pieces now available for “adoption.”

Enter your name into the “Adopt The Planet” website and you’ll be randomly assigned a free, 55-mile-wide corner of the world. (Be prepared that with more than 70 percent of the world covered in water, you’re most likely to get a random spot in the middle of the Pacific.)

You’ll get a certificate with your name, adoption date, ID number and the coordinates of your new adoptee. Explore further and you’ll be rewarded with a “view of the planet in a light you’ve never seen before” according to NASA’s press release.

If you’re bored of your own piece of the Earth, you can explore the remaining 63,999 pieces on NASA’s Worldview website – everywhere from the jungles of Indonesia to the town you grew up in. The images and data were collected from NASA’s 18 current Earth science missions.

NASA makes clear that, similar to adopting a star or a highway, this does not grant you any legal rights or ownership over the assigned section of land or ocean.

More than 20,000 corners of the world have been adopted so far. NASA hopes all 64,000 pieces will be adopted by Earth Day on April 22.


Do You Have dimples in Your Back? Well, Congrats!

Perhaps you’re one of the few individuals that have small holes at your lower back. Have you wondered what those are? Not all people have these, so consider yourself special if you have one!

Curious to find out what they mean? Well you’ve come to the right place! Those dimples located at your lower back are actually called Venus holes or dimples. While for men, they are called Apollo holes. The name comes from the Greek gods and goddesses, signifying beauty and great physical appearance.

People who have these body characteristics tend to be more attractive to other people’s eyes in which experts believe they possess the allure and charm of the gods mentioned above.
Interestingly enough, it also makes you more sexier when people see your lower back having these prominent dimples! They are located above the Posterior Superior Iliac Spine. You’re very lucky and special if you have this prominent feature in your back, as most people do not have these.

There is a possibility that some individuals may possess this interesting characteristic by trying different workouts that build the muscles at the lower back to show the dimples and make them appear.

So take a look at the mirror and see if you have these dimples in your lower back! Do you have Venus or Apollo holes in your body?




A Military Tribute

tributeIt is truly beyond my abilities to express my gratitude and give my thanks to the military for their service to the world as they fight for our freedom. It is my hope that the following tribute will in part do that.

We are at war! While we enjoy our comfortable homes, food on the table and clean water to drink, thousands of brave men and women of the armed forces are defending our homeland in constant danger, lack of sleep, cold, wet, filth, dust, trenches, hunger and longing for home, so that we may enjoy our freedom. They have put their personal lives on hold, left their families, comfort and all they know to go to another country and fight for not only the U.S.A. but the whole world. The United States is the only country who defends other countries and then returns it back to its people, enabling them to enjoy their new found freedom from tyranny. The military prevents terror from spreading throughout the world. So let’s get behind our troops!

Terrorists are brutal murderers without conscience. It is their determination to take out the U.S.A. at any cost and are currently infiltrating and targeting many strategic places of work, including government. They will be ready to strike again when the command is given just as they did with the Twin Towers. You can do your part to help prevent this again. We must be prepared.

We, who have been left at home can also defend our country and there are many ways to do that, first, by defending and supporting our troops. Families should support their sons and daughters in their decision to defend our country. Suspicious activities should be reported. The media should also be supportive. Think how we could lift our troops morale knowing they have our full support.

So the next time you are eating, drinking or having a wonderful evening of dancing, remember, remember who you owe that enjoyment to. Remember those families who kissed their sons and daughters good bye and had the heart wrenching experience of waving their heroes good bye; watching them until they are out of sight, not knowing when and if they will return. How can we ever repay our debt to these brave souls and their families?

God bless and protect our heroes, our military men and women!

God Bless America!

Adult Acne

You breezed through your teenage years with a zit or two and never thought about it. Now you look into the mirror in horror. What happened? How is it possible to develop acne in your mid 30’s, isn’t this supposed to happen to teenagers? You find yourself embarrassed and confused.

The unfair fact is that adult acne will affect 25% of men and 50% of women in their adult lives. We know that teenage acne is due to hormonal changes which causes an increase in oil production. The causes of adult acne aren’t as clear. There isn’t just one cause. Acne in adult women can be linked to cosmetic use and some hair products. It can be brought on by the hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy. Certain types of prescription medications can cause adult acne. Acne vulgaris which is the type of acne that affects adults generally doesn’t happen after the age of 40. Unlike teenage acne that starts on the forehead and cheek area adult acne tends to show more on your chin, jaw and neck area.

The treatment you receive for your acne will be based on the severity of the acne outbreak. Mild acne outbreaks can be treated with topical and over the counter products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or glycolic acid, the same creams that teenagers use. If you acne is more severe your dermatologist may prescribe oral antibiotics. These antibiotics treat the bacteria causes of acne.

Micro dermabrasion and acid peels can be used to help diminish any scarring that might occur with adult acne.

Defending Your Home From Pests

At the first site of a home invasion of bugs, don’t run for the spray gun. First, learn a little about the insect and how much of an invasion has really occurred. There just may be an easy way for you to get rid of the pest without putting yourself, your family, or your pets at risk. However, if a showdown is what it takes, there are some steps you should take to keep your home environment safe and healthy for your family.

The behavior of certain pests can help you eliminate them. For example, if your problem is cockroaches in your kitchen, you can set out baits in the corners of cabinets or hide them behind appliances against the wall. This is because cockroaches tend to follow along walls when they scout for food and water. No matter what insect has invaded your home, knowing your opponent will help you choose an effective and economical way to eliminate your infestation.

The pest may decide to avoid a showdown. Run them out of town by removing sources of food, water, and shelter. Most insects come into your home for these reasons. If the necessities for life are not there, they will go elsewhere. You may need to have a leaky faucet repaired and store food in sealed containers. You may also need to seal cracks under doors, next to windows, and around drainpipes to keep the insects from entering your home. Throwing out unnecessary paper boxes and paper bags can also eliminate places for insects to hide.

Use baits first because they are usually clean and have little or no odor. However, you must place them away from kids and pets. A child or pet may be attracted to bright colors or mistake the bait for a toy or treat.

You may also want to try an organic solution that is less harmful to the environment and often has fewer odors. However, organic does not mean it will be completely harmless to you, your family, or pets. You still need to follow the manufactures safety precautions when using organic pesticides.

To get ready for the showdown, read the label first. And read all of it, so you will know how to apply the pesticide, how much pesticide you need, where and where not to apply it, and most importantly, what to do in case of an emergency. The special warnings not only tell you to keep it out of your eyes, for example, but what to do if you spray and it’s carried to your eyes.

If sprays are necessary, only use what is approved for home or indoor use and use only the recommended amount. Inside your home a chemical can be toxic, especially those designed for the outdoors. Chemicals designed for the outdoors often remain toxic longer inside than they would outdoors, because outdoors the chemical will breakup and disperse to some degree, but inside the wind and elements are not there to help this happen. When spraying indoors, you may want to air out the house before you close it up for the night.

Don’t over do it. More is not better when it comes to chemicals in and around your home. Use the amount recommended on the label. The manufacturer of the product makes recommendations with the expectation that you will use it properly for the right insect, in the right volume, and in the right environment.

Don’t forget to dispose of unused pesticides properly. You will find the disposal instructions on the label. And don’t transfer the pesticide to another container or use the pesticide container for something else. Of course, keep stored pesticides away from children and pets. In the United States, every 15 seconds a poison control center takes a call. Most of the calls are concerning a child and a substance the child found in the home.

If your home has been invaded with pests, don’t be fast on the trigger. Take a little time to learn about your opponents and then run them out of town. But if a showdown is the only way to rid your home of the pest, be the quickest on the draw by selecting a product designed for the pest and one that is suited for use in your home.