
There are many things that I love about life. I love the fact that we were given eyes to see, ears to hear, and mouths to speak and to taste amazing food. I love it that I can see things in color and that I can experience beauty all around me just by going for a walk outside. I’m glad that we are able to work to provide for ourselves and that we can work doing things we enjoy. One of the things in life that I love the most, however, is a good holiday.

I love a good holiday because they don’t happen everyday. A holiday is a unique day that is set aside to celebrate a wide variety of things. The beauty of a holiday is that we get to slow down and remember that we are not machines and that are lives are valuable and worth being lived fully. We get to spend time on what matters most, not on our work or on the things that keep us busy throughout the week. So make a commitment now to enjoy whatever holiday rolls around next. You won’t be sorry, and you just might make a habit of it.

If you also love holidays, you’ll probably enjoy my holidays section below. Feel free to leave a message to let me know which one is your favorite and how you celebrate it.

This is my wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!

~ D.M. Dellinger ~