The birthday of the George Washington is one of the most important day in the history of the United States when a great thinker came to earth and gave us all a prosperous lifestyle
Among most of the important federal holidays in the USA, the most reputed and welcomed federal holiday is the President’s Day which is absolutely wonderful as it not only give us the time to remember the founders of the country we live in now, but also to enjoy a great time with our dear ones on an extended weekend. Every year, thousands of tourists and natives enjoy this enthralling federal holiday with great pomp and show and get delighted by the superlative celebrations across the city. So, with this article, we are walking you through the entire concept, celebration and various observations of the Presidents Day celebrated in the USA:
Presidents Day is known among the most prestigious federal holidays that came into existence in 1879 on the birth anniversary of the George Washington who was born on February 11, 1731 (as per the documents). The act of Congress has made it an official event and was announced as the Washington’s Birthday initially. After spreading the call, the event became a national phenomenon which was once isolated in the capital Washington D.C. only. Although, the federal holiday is observed differently with different titles and dates, the event is known as the birth day of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and all the other former and current presidents.
Till the end of 1980s, the festival was an isolated government event, but after the the 1980s, the event became an annual celebration which was observed in a different way in every state of the USA. Despite being an honoring federal holiday at first place to honor the thinking and hard work of the George Washington, Presidents Day started to be observed to felicitate the hard work of other presidents since the independence till the current working president of the United States. The Presidents Day is now observed on the third Monday of February and falls between 15th till 21st of February every year.
Being a widely celebrated federal holiday, Presidents Day is observed in different names and has different various for most of the states in the USA. The spellings and titles have been the main contributing factor that has made it same yet differently observed festival. For an example, Presidents’ Day is used in New Mexico, Dakota, Vermont, Hawaii, Washington and many more states. Whereas, President’s Day is used in Alaska, Nebraska, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wyoming and a few more states of the USA. There are a few states that use the title Washington’s Birthday, Lincoln’s Day, George Washington Day, Thomas Jefferson Birthday, Washington and Lincoln Day and more in various states of the USA.
The celebration of one of the most promising, patriotic and famous federal holiday of Presidents Day is quite unique and similar across the USA where people indulge themselves in various sorts of events organized throughout the plateau of the USA. This includes but doesn’t limit to Farewell Address speech, parade, concerts, memorial ceremonies, light shows, patriotic stage shows and a lot more. This day is commonly considered as an occasion of an extended weekend. Hence, people love to explore their interests and travel across the world for a magnificent getaway experience as many public and private sector industries observe this day as a holiday.
Presidents Day is arguably one of the biggest federal holidays both by terms of celebration and the relevance in the USA. Though many of us find it a time which is given to us as an extended holiday and plan to fly away from home for vacations. However, the reducing knowledge among the next generation has made it less interesting. Still, there are a number of places that make the events grand on the occasion of Presidents Day. So, if you too feel like being a patriot for some time, Presidents Day will be a perfect excuse for you to remember the works that were done by the country’s leaders and broad thinking which has made our nation worth living.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Mary Williams is a travel writer and loves to share her travel stories.

<<Famous Quotes by U.S Presidents>>

I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty.
– Woodrow Wilson
It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.
– Barack Obama
Think about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education.
– George H.W. Bush