Daily Archives: August 31, 2017

New Year

New Year is a time of celebration, beginning of all the new work and activities where as leaving all the worst deeds in the past. I truly hope you are looking forward to the holidays and the New Year, and I want to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you the best of times. Let’s not forget that we really do have something to celebrate. We are still here. That’s something to be thankful for. We still have people that care about us. And we all have the capacity to make things better. Isn’t this freedom to create a better world for ourselves and our loved ones?

Let’s get happy and celebrate the spirit of the New Year. Let’s do something that will give us a better future. Let’s become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

New Year is a time to ring out the Old and ring in the New with fun, party and celebration among our friends and families. It’s that time of year again when we find ourselves saying things like “where did this year go?” or maybe even “I had such big plans for this year”. Well, whatever it is you are saying, I suggest you to dig a little deeper and reflect a little more; to consciously complete this year.

Resolutions are taken to improve the faults and mistake done in the past year and not to continue in upcoming year. New Year is a best time to wish your friends and families for their success and prosperity in upcoming year. For this purpose greetings and well wishing cards are used as an effective means to wish each other. The most easy and quickest means is through “Sms”. As most of the people around the world have mobile in their hand. These sms really behave as a short and sweet means to get closer to your friends and families either they are close to you or far from you.

Traditionally, it was thought that one could affect the luck they would have throughout the coming year by what they did or ate on the first day of the year. For that reason, it has become common for folks to celebrate the first few minutes of a brand new year in the company of family and friends.

Parties often last into the middle of the night after the ringing in of a new year. It was once believed that the first visitor on New Year’s Day would bring either good luck or bad luck the rest of the year. So, best wishes for your friends and families in the beginning of the year may bring lots of luck and prosperity for them.

Don’t sit back and wait for the best wishes to arrive instead step forward and send best wishes to your nearest and dearest ones. You can find lots of New Year wishes sms and greetings on web.

Author: Rahul Roy

Daisypath Christmas tickers

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
Benjamin Franklin

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July or July Fourth also popularly referred to as The Independence Day is a very important date in the calendar of the United States of America. It’s the special day to celebrate the history, culture, the type of government they have and also the high traditions that this country is endeavoring to uphold.

The significance of this Federal holiday dates back to July 4th 1776, which is about 241 years ago with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress formed by thirteen American colonies.This historic document decreed and declared that the thirteen American colonies, the Province of New Hampshire, Province of Massachusetts Bay, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut Colony, Province of New York, Province of New Jersey, Province of Pennsylvania, Delaware Colony, Province of Maryland, Colony of Virginia, Province of North Carolina, Province of South Carolina and Province of Georgia would form the United States of America and break away from the British Crown which was ruling them from Britain.

This led to the American Revolutionary War fought between 1775 and 1783 with France, the Dutch Republic and Spain joining in the war supporting the breakaway United States.

It is significant to note that the thirteen horizontal red stripes on the flag of the United States of America even today depicts those thirteen colonies who decided to take on the might of the British Empire to Declare Independence and break away from the tyrannical rule of the British who were bent on plundering the rich resources of North America.

It was quite easy for these thirteen colonies to band themselves together for many reasons, one they were all on the east coast of North America, they all had similar legal, political and constitutional systems and were dominated by Protestant English speakers.
The thirteen colonies were also equipped with a very streamlined and high degree of self government, very vibrant and active local elections, enabling them to resist any pressure directed by the British from across the Atlantic Ocean.
Initially there was confusion as to when the Declaration of Independence was signed, whether it was on July 2nd or on July 4th, anyway it was decided to have July 4th as Independence Day to put aside all the confusion.It would be interesting to note that two signatories to the Declaration of Independence John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who were subsequently elected Presidents of the United States of America died on Independence Day of 1826. President James Monroe a founding father though not a signatory to the Declaration of Independence was elected as President and died on Independence Day 1831.

Today Independence Day is celebrated with much pomp and pageantry with a festive mood prevailing all across the United States of America, with firework displays, parades, carnivals, concerts, family re-unions and a plethora of activities which bring a sense of happiness and achievement among all the citizens of this great nation.

Memorial day

Memorial Day can be considered as one of the Federal Holidays. People in every corner of United States celebrate Memorial Day. They also consider it as a good day to stay away from the hectic work schedules and go for a good cookout. However, the primary objective of having a Memorial Day, is to honor and recognize all the sacrifices that have been done by the military veterans, who are alive or dead.

Initially, the Memorial Day was celebrated to honor the Union soldiers, who lost their lives while fighting in the Civil War. However, it became more popular after the World War I. The concept expanded, and people started honoring the brave soldiers who lost their lives while fighting for any military operation, including war. Soon after the Civil War, people who lived in major cities in United States started honoring the heroes of their own hometowns. However, the idea of making the Memorial Day a Federal Holiday came out in 1868. As a result, it had been celebrated on May 30th from 1868-1970. It became a Federal Holiday in 1971 and it’s currently observed every year on the last Monday of May.

The Memorial Day can be considered as an alternative for the Decoration Day. It became extremely popular among people in the country after the World War II. The official name for the Memorial Day was set by Federal Law back in 1967. When civil war ended up in 1865, about 500,000 soldiers lost their lives. Then people started decorating their graves to honor them. During 1915, Moina Belle Michael came up with the idea of wearing red poppies in order to honor the brave soldiers who died for the nation during the civil war. Moreover, money that was raised from selling red poppies were used in order to benefit the families of those soldiers.

Memorial Day is not just an ordinary holiday. It is a fascinating victory day where we take time to remember the people who died for the nation. This is the best day of the year to visit the memorial places, which are located throughout the country. A large number of events are also being organized on the Memorial Day and you can think about taking part in them as well. Or else, you can simply prepare to go on a picnic or throw a party. However, it would be a good idea to bring a story of a brave soldier who fought for the country when you are throwing a party on the Memorial Day. On the other hand, you can invite a solider along with his family members to take part in it and enjoy the time. You can also go to the cemetery on the Memorial Day and place a flag and a candle on the graves of veterans. Then you will be spending the Memorial Day in a meaningful manner.

“Tonight, when you go to bed, say a prayer that God watch over those who watch over us, and thank them for their sacrifices, on and off the battlefield. Pray that they have a peaceful night, and will be home soon with their families who also share their burden. Without them, we would not have this moment.“
Neil Leckman

Father’s day

He who guides us through the right paths of life – our fathers are our icon, a huge support and our pillar of strength. This special man toils hard just to secure our future and to ensure that we derive all pleasures of life. Father’s Day is celebrated to recognize the hardships and the struggles a father undertakes for his child’s growth and upbringing. It is an occasion to realize and recognize those endless pains, honor him and pay our gratitude to this very special human being.

This idea of observing a day to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father’s Day observance to honor all fathers. Sonora Smart Dodd who was raised by his father, after her mother passed away, wanted him to know how special he was to her. As her father, William Jackson Smart, was born on the month of June, she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910.

In the year 1926, a National Father’s Day Committee was formed in New York City. Later, Father’s Day was recognized by a Joint Resolution of Congress in 1956. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson made a proclamation that the third Sunday of June is to be celebrated as Father’s Day. In 1972, President Richard Nixon finalized the proclamation. Thus Father’s Day observance was made official. Till date, Father’s Day is observed on the third Sunday in June. 52 of the world’s countries celebrate this occasion to commemorate fatherhood.

On Father’s day, children express and convey their deepest feelings of heart to their fathers. Father’s Day may not be one of those hallmark holidays, but certainly is a day when we take some time out to show appreciation to the most influential person in our lives, our dad. Children take this opportunity to do something special for the special man. Although this idea of ‘making the day special’ differ from person to person, country to country, yet the essence of the occasion remains the same. Organizing some special events, indulging in fun filled activities or sports or preparing the favorite dish for him are some of the most unique ideas that will make your daddy feel loved and appreciated.

Celebration of a special occasion demands something exclusive and there are ample ideas to make the celebration memorable. Gifts play a vital role in this regard. Gifts, when enfolded with heartfelt emotions, rightly renders the feeling of the soul. Likewise, on Father’s Day, gifts are the best way to express your love and respect to that special man. Traditional gifts like Flowers, Chocolates or Greeting Cards are one of the most favored gift idea on Father’s day. Along with this, present some thoughtful gifts that will surprise and elate him. Electronic Appliances and Men’s Accessories are also fine ideas.

Today, the distance of miles and places often separate us from the person we love. On such a juncture, online gifting websites does good to our cause. On the occasion of Father’s Day, select from the extensive collection of gifts and send to your father.

A bond that the abyss of time could not metamorphose is the bond shared between the father and the child. Take the pleasure of recognizing the selfless contribution of a courageous and loving man and celebrate Father’s Day with all zest. Make the moment priceless for the man; a moment which your father will eternally cherish.

“It’s only when you grow up and step back from him — or leave him for your own home — it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.”
Margaret Truman

Mother’s day

Your mother would be the biggest strength that you have in your life. From the childhood, your mother has nurtured you and has contributed towards your development. Being a mother would establish a strong relationship with the offspring and only few individuals can understand how strong that bond is. Even though the children tend to leave the affection of their mothers after growing up, the bond still exists. Therefore, it is mysterious and quite difficult to understand. This bond would never break. That’s why it is believed that there’s nothing more powerful and pure when compared to the love of a Mother.

So many women sacrifice their education, career and everything else to raise their children properly. Those of us, who have forgotten about the sacrifices our mother had done to bring us up, should ask their mother to tell something about their childhood. She will open her memory box and tell you so many things about this and that you will wonder how she could ever manage to raise you and your siblings up. You may not remember most of your childhood, but your mother remembers because you are her child. For a mother, her children are dearest to her. They are an extension of her personality.

The tradition of mother’s day is not something new to the world we live in. Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to organize festivals in the honor of Rhea and Cybele, mother Goddesses. It has come a long way since then and has been evolved along with time.

With your busy schedules, you will forget to appreciate all the hard work done by your mother towards making your life a better one. That’s the main reason behind the existence of mother’s day celebrations. On this special day, you can take time in order to appreciate the support given by your mother and be thankful to her.

Mother’s Day is being celebrated on every second Sunday of May. This is a special occasion, where people tend to honor their mothers with showing back gratitude and giving gifts. This is one of the best chances that you would get in your life to express how much love you have towards your mother.  Always keep in mind that Mother’s day comes only one time per year. Therefore, it is your responsibility to celebrate it and make your mother feel special.

For most moms, finding the appropriate Mothers Day gift is no problem at all. There are always normal mom things to get. A Mothers Day present could be a nice piece of jewelry, a beautiful sweater, a Mothers Day bear or mug, T-shirt with hearts on them, boxes of chocolates or a gift certificates to the local mall. A lot of people also like to get books as Mothers Day presents, and some moms even like tools and gadgets that are more traditionally reserved for fathers.

Some moms, however loath all those stuffs. Finding the perfect Mothers Day gift for them, needless to say, is something that takes a little bit of planning. One way or another, I am sure that you will find something for her before the big day comes. Many people say that it is not the gift but the thought that counts, but  if you put enough thought into a gift, the gift will be great.

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends—but only one mother in the whole world.
Kate Douglas Wiggins